Investment in disadvantaged children for a more equal world


Kết quả hình ảnh cho Investment in disadvantaged children for a more equal world

The United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) required governments, donors, business and international organizations together to strengthen efforts to meet the needs of the most disadvantaged children on earth for the future of the children is not ruined.
According to the recent UNICEF’s report entitled "Status of Children in the World", 69 million children under 5 years old will be able to cause deaths due to avoided reasons, 167 million children will live in poverty and 750 million women will get married soon in their childhood time in the period from now to 2030 – deadline for the objectives of sustainable development. And this will happen unless the world pay more attention to the fate of the most disadvantaged children.
In addition, the report noted significant progress relating to the survival of children, education and the fight against poverty. Globally, the mortality rate among children under 5 years old have halved since 1990, the boys and girls attending primary school are equal numbers in 129 countries and the number of people living in extreme poverty has halved in comparison with 1990.
However, this progress is not equal nor fair. The poorer children are at risk of dying under age 5 from malnutrition or chronic twice as high compared to the better-off children. In the majority of South Asia and sub-Saharan Africa, children of the mother out of school have a higher probability of dying before 5 years old - 3 times higher than children whose mothers receive a high school education. In addition, the girls from the poorest households have a higher probability of early marriage twice than girls from well-off households. 
Especially, in the Sahara region of Africa, the situation becomes more worrying when at least 247 million children have to live in multidimensional poverty, deprived from what they need to survive and grow. Nearly 60% of young people at the age of 20-24 belongs to the poorest population groups.
While education plays a unique role in providing equal opportunities for children, those who do not return to school has increased since 2011. According to UNICEF, about 124 million children do not attend primary school as well as the first cycle of secondary education. Nearly 2 out of 5 children complete primary education who can not read, write or do simple calculations.
The report also showed that investment for vulnerable children as possible benefit in the short and long term. The cash benefits has proved usefully in helping children stay in school longer and get the higher education level. On average, the knowledge gained by a child after each academic year will add about 10% of income when the child grow up. On average, every year adding to the minors in a country, it would make the poverty rate in the country declined by 9%.

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