Vietnam proposes measures to fight COVID-19 globally

Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Pham Binh
Minh proposed four main measures to fight the COVID-19 pandemic
while addressing the Ministerial
Video-Conference of the Alliance for
Multilateralism on COVID-19 on April 16.
The first measure, Minh suggested, is to strengthen international solidarity
and multilateral cooperation with the United Nations and the World Health
Organisation (WHO) playing the central role, and improve the WHO’s operation
efficiency to support developing countries.
Vietnam, within its capacity, will contribute to the joint efforts and is
willing to provide “Made-in-Vietnam” medical equipment for others, he affirmed.
Secondly, it is important to share information, experience and research
achievements, to ensure everyone have access to vaccines and medicine.
Thirdly, Minh called for stopping activities that affect disease response
efforts, especially power politics and unilateral actions contrary to
international law.
Vietnam supports the UN Secretary-General’s call for a global ceasefire and his
appeal to waive sanctions that can undermine countries’ capacity to respond to
the pandemic, he added.
The fourth measure the Vietnamese official proposed is to build post-COVID-19
development plans which include coordinated policies and measures to stimulate
the economy, trade and investment, stabilise the financial market, and restore
the confidence of businesses and people.
He also shared Vietnam’s active and prompt response efforts with people’s life
and health given the top priority.
With high political determination and social unity, Vietnam has synchronously
implemented such measures as compulsory quarantine, tracing people in contact
with infected patients, and applying extensive testing and effective treatment
methods. Therefore, Vietnam has to date basically controlled the disease with
below 300 infections and no fatalities, Minh added.
The Ministerial Video-Conference attracted the participation of Foreign
Ministers from 26 European, Asian-Pacific, Latin American and African
countries, seeking ways to promote international solidarity to overcome the
pandemic and discussing measures to strengthen multilateral mechanisms,
espcially the WHO, to help them well fulfil their missions.
The Alliance for Multilateralism was created by Germany and France in April
2019. Vietnam has yet to enter the organisation./.
All comments [ 21 ]
SUPPORTING the call by the United Nations Secretary-General for all nations to respond decisively, innovatively and collectively to suppress the spread of the virus and address the socio-economic impact of COVID-19.
Prime Minister Nguyễn Xuân Phúc and his Swedish counterpart Stefan Löfven discussed the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic and enhancing the two countries’ relations during phone talks.
The Vietnamese Government’s resolve to control the outbreak, and the positive outcomes it had seen so far, including the safety of Vietnamese citizens and foreign nationals in the country.
Việt Nam is ready to share information and experience in COVID-19 prevention and control with Sweden, and to strengthen ties with other countries and international organisations in this regard.
Việt Nam held key positions in ASEAN and the UN Security Council, thereby having chance to foster international co-operation in the fight.
We should enhance national and regional capacities to prepare for and respond to pandemics by adhering to the objectives of efficacy, safety and accessibility.
The international community have appreciated the Vietnamese Government’s effective medical and consular support for Australian citizens affected by the pandemic
All nations should share experience in COVID-19 prevention and control, including the possibility of co-operating to develop vaccines or produce and trade medical supplies.
I think we need to bolster coordination and mutual support at multilateral forums, particularly UN and ASEAN-led mechanisms, in terms of regional and international issues of common concern.
Firstly, enhancing international solidarity and multilateralism cooperation with the United Nations and the World Health Organisation (WHO) being the centre.
The world should promote sharing of information, experience, research results; and vaccines and medicines must be made available, affordable and accessible to all.
The Vietnamese Government on Thursday donated hundreds of thousands of made-in-Việt Nam antibacterial face masks to the US, Japan and Russia to aid their fight against the COVID-19 pandemic.
Việt Nam would continue to work closely with other nations to stamp out the pandemic and minimise its negative impacts.
We should stop activities that hinder disease prevention and control efforts, particularly power politics and unilateral actions contrary to international law
Việt Nam and Japan had used co-operation within bilateral and multilateral frameworks to deal with the pandemic, including the successful holding of the ASEAN Plus Three Summit on Coronavirus Disease 2019 on April 14.
The Japanese diplomat has also lauded the achievements of Việt Nam in containing the outbreak and producing medical supplies.
We need to prepare our post-COVID19 development plan which includes coordinated policies and measures to stimulate the economy, trade and investment, stabilise the financial market and restore the confidence of businesses and people.
Vietnam has presented to Russian ambassador Konstantin Vnukov a gift of 50,000 antibacterial masks. This came after a donation of 150,000 masks from Việt Nam on April 13 to the Russian government and people.
Vietnam has presented to Russian ambassador Konstantin Vnukov a gift of 50,000 antibacterial masks. This came after a donation of 150,000 masks from Việt Nam on April 13 to the Russian government and people.
The country has proved its prestige in the international arena in cooperating with all nations to fight the genaral enemies.
Bravo Vietnam! Let's help the world!
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