China without respectation towards efforts to maintain peace in the East Sea
On July 25, “The Philippine Star”
newspaper quoted Marie Harf’s
speech of spokeswoman for the U.S.
Department of State that tensions between China and
the neighboring countries is somewhat lower than
the previous weeks.
However, she also
said there are some signs that
China still really strengthen
measures to consolidate the claims and change the status quo in
the region leading to new tensions. Washington urged
all sides to work to establish
a Code of Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea, Mary Harf stressed.
“We encourage the parties to work together and attempt
to resolve the issue without further escalation”, she said.
At the International Conference on East Sea in 2014 with
the theme "The disputes on
the East Sea under civilian perspective" (ICESDI 2014), held by Ton
Duc Thang University in Ho Chi Minh City
from July 25 to 26,
all international and domestic scholars were consensus that it needs to resolve disputes
through diplomatic channels, to
preserve the East
Sea into zone of peace and
cooperation. The workshop was
attended by over 50 scholars, experts from
the U.S.,
India, Australia, Singapore, Philippines, Malaysia,
and Vietnam.
At the seminar, when referring to the South China Sea
issue and the impositions of unilateral territorial claims leading to tensions, threatening regional peace,
security and freedom of navigation
as well as affecting
the lives of thousands of Vietnamese fishermen, Prof. Nguyen Manh Hung from George Marson University (U.S.)
proposed that the workshop should
focus on finding the best solution enabling fishermen
to continue fishery activities on the traditional
fishing grounds in the East Sea.
According to Dr. SD Pradhan,
former Deputy National
Security Advisor of India, during the last time, the international
community has made much efforts,
especially through agreements signed between countries
to maintain peace. However, these efforts are
not respected by China with the act of
ignoring the agreements already signed
and aggressive actions
in the South China
Sea... In order to resolve the current disputes,
he said, the nternational community
should have more
powerful voice to uncompromisingly
resolve the problem.
Along with that, the international
community must have a common and
strong voice to deter the parties
to adhere to
and abide by international law.
To emphasize on resolving current
disputes by international
law, Prof. Ramses Amer, Senior Fellow of the
Center for East Asian Studies at
the Stockholm University (Sweden) said that the countries have the
same problem should have a common voice to
deal with the claims of China,
especially as such of solving issue by the bilateral dialogue of China.
All comments [ 10 ]
Tensions in the South China Sea have been boiling in recent years at the benefit of no one, be it China, ASEAN or the international community.
ASEAN and China should strengthen strategic trust by extending mutual “strategic assurances” to one another.
China should disperse any doubt within ASEAN that it sincerely favors dialogue by being more forward and engaging in talks with ASEAN on the South China Sea, such as in negotiating a binding regional Code of Conduct.
ASEAN, on the other hand, needs to assure China that it does not seek the help of extra regional powers to counter China. ASEAN needs to show that its aim is to engage major powers in the region in order to create a dynamic equilibrium 6 and cooperative framework that would benefit everyone.
Yet many differences became apparent in the interpretation process, and the application and implementation of the UNCLOS, leading to several incidences of mis-understanding between the parties concerned.
even in a perfectly regulated environment with unified interpretation, application and implementation of such regulations, incidences could still occur, for example through accidents due to rapidly increasing traffic in the busy South China Sea’s lines of communications.
ASEAN and China’s first step towards this direction could be to bring their maritime claims in accordance with UNCLOS.
despite a constant effort by ASEAN to reach an early conclusion of the COC process, there seems to be no sense of urgency on China’s side, and no specific time line nor work plan has been agreed on the “consultation” process as of yet.
the COC should not only contain overarching rules and principles but should also have clear cut procedural guidelines that will help parties trapped in incidences readily know what to do to de-escalate a potentially eruptive dispute.
Many of the differences between ASEAN and China on the South China Sea arose from or depend on mis-understanding or a lack of mutual understanding which can be overcome through enhancing dialogue and cooperation between the two parties.
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