Protestants join efforts in national development


With about 80 organisations, sects and groups under the State management and about one million followers, Protestantism has significantly contributed to national socio-economic development over the past 100 years. 

The Evangelical Church of Vietnam (North) (ECVN North) gathers over 100,000 followers who practice the religion at 15 chapters, according to the Government Committee for Religious Affairs. 

The church’s charter prescribes social responsibility of each protestant who should support needy people, join efforts in building the society, participate in social work in their localities, maintain solidarity, respect law and fulfill citizens’ obligations. 

Pastors and protestants have united and engaged in patriotic movements as well as major campaigns launched by the Vietnam Fatherland Front, along with humanitarian activities. 

During its 35th General Assembly in October 2017, the ECVN North reported that the church has enthusiastically responded to programmes on ensuring social welfare, building a new life in residential areas and reducing poverty. 

Between 2013 and 2017, it presented 8,500 gifts to children in mountainous provinces and donated land, money and 1,300 working days to the construction of 16 roads in the northern mountainous province of Thai Nguyen. 

According to the Hanoi Evangelical Church, 52 drug detoxification centres of evangelical churches nationwide were established over the past 21 years, helping more than 1,900 people escape from drugs. 

The evangelical churches have also contributed to fighting domestic and school violence, encouraging HIV carriers to access medical services and assisting disabled children and orphans. 

Bui Thanh Ha, deputy head of the Government Committee for Religious Affairs said the State has recognised or granted operational licences to 41 organisations of 15 religions, with about 25.3 million followers. 

Religious people have actively contributed to national socio-economic development, construction and defence and ensuring social welfare, the official said./.
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All comments [ 8 ]

For A Peace World 25/12/18 21:31

The whole country extends Christmas wishes to Protestant dignitaries and followers, congratulating the confederation on its strong growth of nearly 1 million followers in over 2,000 chapters nationwide.

Socialist Society 25/12/18 21:34

We thank them for standing side-by-side with the Party and State and wished that Protestant dignitaries and followers would continue the sense of unity to contribute to the nation.

John Smith 25/12/18 21:35

Wish Protestants and all Christians a warm Xmas and Happy New Year and contribute more for the country's solidarity.

Me Too! 25/12/18 21:36

All are Vietnamese!

Gentle Moon 25/12/18 21:37

The Party and State of Vietnam have provided support for Protestant followers to join religious activities, adding that since the Law on Belief and Religion took effect earlier this year, Protestants’ religious activities have expanded across the nation.

Vietnam Love 25/12/18 21:38

They should continue calling on Protestant dignitaries and followers to actively contribute to national development.

LawrenceSamuels 25/12/18 21:39

Religions are parts of Vietnam, followers should consider themself Vietnamese before.

Voice of people 25/12/18 21:40

They should do more for the country’s development.

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