2014: The promising year


                                                     A street flowers vendor in Hanoi

Another new spring has come to Vietnam, brings new hopes for the country developments and the people’s daily life.
In 2013, Vietnam exerted efforts to overcome difficulties and challenges, and achieved important results, with better macroeconomics stabilization, higher growth and lower inflation than 2012.
In Vietnamese lunar calender, 2014 is the Year of the Horse and is expected to have big changes and fast improvements in all aspects of life, especially in institution renovation and promotion of the people’s right to mastery. This issue is considered as one of the most important motivation for the country rapid and sustainable development. In the beginning of 2014, Vietnamese people joyfully receive lost of happy news.
First, Vietnam on November 12th 2013 was elected by the UN General Assembly to become one of 14 new members of the UN Human Rights Council for the first time. During the three year turn 2014-2016, Vietnam will have the opportunity to work directly and responsibly to ensure and promote human rights in Vietnam and the world.
Second, on January 1st 2014, Vietnam National Assembly adopted the amendment of 1992 Constitution. Democracy is a major idea of late-President Ho Chi Minh, who said Vietnam is a democratic country where all power belongs to the people. The Communist Party of Vietnam also affirmed that democracy is both a goal and momentum in national construction and defense. In this spirit, the highest task for 2014 is to make and revise laws in order to to implement the Constitution.
Third, on February 5th 2014, Vietnam for the second time successfully presented its Universal Periodic Review (UPR), reviewing of the promotion and protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms in Vietnam. The other members of the UN Human Rights Council, international organizations and friends highly appreciate for Vietnam’s big achievements in hunger eradication and poverty reduction.
These signs show that the Vietnamese Party and State always put the people’s rights and daily life at top priorities in their policy. There are still so much work must be done in 2014 and years after, but the entire Party, army and people will try their best to build a society with highest democratic standard in the world.
Chia sẻ bài viết ^^
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All comments [ 11 ]

Voice of people 9/2/14 21:37

As a Vietnamese, I feel freedom in our land!

Vietnam Love 9/2/14 21:52

I think the updated Constitution will create more space for everyone to fully develop their ability!

Me Too! 11/2/14 22:25

The Government conducted a nationwide referendum to amend 1992 Constitution.

Socialist Society 11/2/14 22:35

I also hope the global economics gets back on track!

For A Peace World 11/2/14 22:43

Vietnam is democratic country, Vietnamese people are so nice!

yobro yobro 11/2/14 22:45

That's right Mr. Le Tin

Red Star 11/2/14 22:51

The UN Human Rights Council will perform better with Vietnam as its role of member.

John Smith 11/2/14 22:54

I do like your idea, Van Nhan

LawrenceSamuels 11/2/14 22:59

in 2014, I will join the Vietnamese Party

Gentle Moon 11/2/14 23:00

You're so lucky Hoang Lan

Voice of people 12/2/14 10:55

I love Vietnam

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