Human Rights in the field of information and communication





At the latest Universal Periodic Review (UPR) on the human rights situation in Vietnam, about 30 countries were interested in the issues including freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of information, freedom of the internet in Vietnam. Most of them were Western countries.

Thanks to the rapid development of the mass media and the Internet, Freedom of speech and freedom of information in Vietnam has been improved in recent years .

2013 Constitution of Vietnam states that: “Citizens have freedom of speech, freedom of the press and access to information ...”

Currently, there is no censorship for press, publishing as well as Internet censorship in Vietnam.

In recent years, the exercise of freedom of speech in Vietnam has made ​​progress. The debate , interpellations about the policies of the State were took place lively and practically in the Vietnam Parliament and other official forums. The Parliament held confidence vote for the first time to the Cabinet members and top officials, demonstrating the role of Parliament is enhancing, the process of democratization in government agencies is developed.

In addition to expression in the mass media in Vietnam and overseas , over three million bloggers also expressed political opinions on social network, organizing discussion forums about policy State constitutional amendments, sending petitions, collecting signatures to support on collective petitions...

However, Vietnam law restricts freedom of speech in some cases in accordance with the Convention on Civil and Political Rights, respecting the legal rights and legitimate, reputation, honor of others in order to protect national security, public security, health or morals of society .

Specifically, Vietnam law prohibits the following acts :

1 . Propaganda for war and violence.

2 . Incitement to ethnic hatred, religious.

3 . Incitement to discrimination of race.

4. Spreading the bad customs, superstitions.

5. Incitement violence against the government.

6. Disclosure of State Secrets.

7. Giving false information, misrepresentation, slander, defamation of others .

8. Description meticulously obscene actions, horrible killings; popularization pornographic images;

9 . Arbitrarily publishing photographs, documents and a personal letter.

Issues related to Internet governance are affirmed that the Decree 72/2013/ND-CP does not restrict freedom of speech but aims at regulating activities on the Internet, ensuring consistent development of healthy Internet environmen, contributing to the advancement and protection of public interest, to deal with the risks and damage from the Internet.

Decree 72 was issued after acquiring the opinion of many organizations and individuals in Vietnam and abroad in order to create a fair business environment, transparency for enterprises, ensure the safety and security information on the Internet network in accordance with cultural traditions of the nation and human rights standards .

The prohibited acts in Decree 72 have been provided in the Information Technology Law (Article 12), the Press Law (Article 10), the Telecommunications Act enacted earlier. Decree 72 does not contain provisions limiting or banning the use of internet searching, receiving, disseminating and sharing information.

In order to surmount situations of copying, reprinting articles without permission, even to modifying the content, editing articles’ headline, Decree 72 requires respectation for copyrights of the press and information on the internet.
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All comments [ 10 ]

Voice of people 13/3/14 15:45

Democracy and human rights must be within the framework of the law.

Vietnam Love 13/3/14 15:46

Information now is diverse and not under control so why other countries said that Vietnam's lack of press freedom.

Me Too! 13/3/14 15:47

How is the situation of lacking press freedom in Vietnam?

Socialist Society 13/3/14 15:48

Freedom but must conform to ethical standards

For A Peace World 13/3/14 15:49

That Vietnam lacks of freedom of speech is unfounded.

John Smith 13/3/14 15:50

Giving false information that they lose all the value of information.

Gentle Moon 13/3/14 15:51

Information has great power so we should have the right to control it.

LawrenceSamuels 13/3/14 15:52

Every country has its own laws or rules, it should not shoot like that.

Red Star 13/3/14 15:53

Freedom of the press in the West is putting false information and distorted, isn’t it?

yobro yobro 13/3/14 15:55

Agree with Pham Hieu!

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