Vietnam jumps four places to rank 79th in World Happiness Report 2021


Vietnam has moved up four places to rank 79th in the United Nations-sponsored World Happiness Report 2021 which was released on March 19.

The country even surpasses China that ranks 84th, and other Southeast Asian nations like Malaysia (81st) and Myanmar (126th) in the report.

Finland once again takes the top spot as the happiest country in the world according to survey data taken from the Gallup World Poll. This is the fourth year in a row Finland has ranked first in the report.

Top five countries in the happiness ranking are dominated by European nations, comprising Finland, Denmark, Sweden, Iceland and the Netherlands. New Zealand is the only country outside Europe to be included in the top ten, claiming the ninth position.

Lesotho, Botswana, Rwanda, Zimbabwe and Afghanistan are at the bottom of the list.

The World Happiness Report 2021 focuses on the effects of COVID-19 and how people all over the world have fared.

Jeffrey Sachs – co-author of the report - said: “We need urgently to learn from COVID-19. The pandemic reminds us of our global environmental threats, the urgent need to cooperate, and the difficulties of achieving cooperation in each country and globally. The World Happiness Report 2021 reminds us that we must aim for wellbeing rather than mere wealth, which will be fleeting indeed if we don’t do a much better job of addressing the challenges of sustainable development.”/.

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All comments [ 20 ]

Vietnam Love 20/3/21 13:51

I think Vietnam should be named in much higher position because everything in Vietnam is wonderful,

Voice of people 20/3/21 13:53

Vietnamese people have good conditions to live and develop, that why they're always happy!

Socialist Society 20/3/21 13:55

Rising from the dust of wars, Vietnam is running on the right way to become a developed country

yobro yobro 20/3/21 13:56

Not much to say, but I think it's hard to find a happier country than Vietnam

Red Star 20/3/21 13:57

I can see happiness in the eyes of Vietnamese people

Duncan 20/3/21 13:58

Viet Nam? A country ranked by the World Bank as “lower-middle income” – is far happier than the largest economy in the world?

For A Peace World 20/3/21 14:00

what’s Viet Nam’s secret?

Egan 20/3/21 14:02

Viet Nam is one of just three countries in the top ten Happy Planet Index rankings with an ecological footprint that is small enough to be considered environmentally sustainable.

Enda Thompson 20/3/21 14:02

Wellbeing is defined in the report as how satisfied people feel with life overall, on a scale from zero to 10, based on data collected as part of the Gallup World Poll.

LawrenceSamuels 20/3/21 14:03

In terms of life expectancy, Viet Nam is doing pretty well, too. In 46th place (out of 140), its citizens are expected to live to an age of 75.5, on average. Life expectancy in the US, with all its state-of-the-art medicine and research, is not much higher – only 78.8.

Gentle Moon 20/3/21 14:04

GDP growth on its own does not mean a better life for everyone, particularly in countries that are already wealthy

John Smith 20/3/21 14:05

GDP growth does not reflect income inequality, and it does not measure what really matters to many people - intangibles like love, family and social ties, good health, leisure pursuits, work-family balance and more.

Jacky Thomas 20/3/21 14:07

In Vietnam, school enrollment is among the highest in the world at 98 per cent, and the number of colleges and universities continues to grow rapidly

Kevin Evans 20/3/21 14:08

The country has been hailed as a global poster child for poverty reduction - the number of people living in poverty fell sharply in recent years

Swift Hoodie 20/3/21 14:09

Countries like Viet Nam prove that high life expectancy and wellbeing are possible with a far lighter tread on the planet. They are far more efficient at providing their citizens with long, happy lives in terms of the resources they consume.

Wilson Pit 20/3/21 14:11

Viet Nam will strive to keep its people happy

Allforcountry 20/3/21 14:13

The World Happiness Report is a landmark survey of the state of global happiness that ranks 156 countries by how happy their citizens perceive themselves to be

Me Too! 20/3/21 14:35

Vietnam has also done a great job of reducing poverty. In the early 90s more than half the population lived below the poverty line, it is now in the single digits

Robinson Jones 20/3/21 14:37

Vietnam has been a legitimate economic success story over the last three decades

Herewecome 20/3/21 14:38

Vietnam is becoming one of the nicer places in the world to live.

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