Expanding the door for people of all ages in urban environment


The elderly are major asset of the society and have contributed significantly to global growth. Protect and care for this population therefore always be considered one of the essential work towards a sustainable future for everyone.

In 1991, the UN General Assembly adopted the United Nations Principles for the elderly.
In 2002, the World Congress on Ageing adopted the second International Plan of Action on Ageing in order to respond to the opportunities and challenges of ageing condition in the XXI century and to promote the development of a society for all ages.
International Day of The elderly is celebrated to raise awareness of the issues affecting older people, such as ageing and elder abuse. This is also the occasion to appreciate the contributions of the elderly to society.
In a world with an aging state, the elderly will play an increasingly important role and have a significant impact. Reality has shown the elderly have many volunteer activities and they did not need to be paid; with  experiences and knowledge they support their families and increasing participate in the labor force.
The elderly have become an increasingly important political force in the social life of each country. Especially in developing countries, the organizations of the elderly contribute significantly to help seniors have a greater voice in planning and enacting national policy decisions.
The elderly are gradually recognized for their significant contribution in the process of intergenerational care, and continue to participate in community. However, their contribution to the development can only be ensured if older people are entitled to the full and adequate medical care. This requires the application of an appropriate policy for this important group of population.
In the given message on International Day of the elderly this year, the UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon specially noted: On the occasion of the 25th anniversary of International Day of the elderly, we recognize that elder people as major asset of the society and have contributed significantly to global growth.
Senior leader of the United Nations said: On September 25 at UN headquarter in New York, the head of state and government pledged to build a sustainable world for all ages and gender. By implementing sustainable development programs in 2030 adopted recently, we must take into account changes in demographics occur within the next 15 years. They have a direct impact on achieving the objectives of sustainable development.
According to Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, the situation rapidly aging and the urbanization process will increasingly determine the shape of society. Estimated number of people over 60 living in cities will increase by over 900 million people in 2050. After that, they will account for 1/4 of urban population in the developed countries.
The theme of the International Day of the elderly this year was sustainability and open to people of all ages in the urban environment in order to emphasize the need to open the city for people of all ages.
Opening up the city for the elderly means giving them the opportunity to participate economically and socially in an accessible and safe environment. It also means ensuring suitable housing as well as health and social services that they need to continue receiving the old age in their living environment.

The UN Secretary-General called on all nations to make the city and the settlements become more open, secure, flexible and sustainable to none may also be marginalized in society regardless of age.
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