The truth about Kok Ksor and his MFI


The Degar, also known as the Montagnard, are the indigenous peoples of the Central Highlands of Vietnam. The term Montagnard means "mountain people" in French and is a carryover from the French colonial period in Vietnam. Montagnard refers to an indigenous people group generally from the Central Highlands of Vietnam. It includes individuals from multiple tribal groups, including the Bahnar, Jarai, Koho, Hmong and E De (or Rhade) peoples. During the Vietnam War it is estimated that some 40,000 Montagnards served with the US military as scouts, interpreters and soldiers. Because of fault propaganda from the US, many Montagnards immigrated to the US states of North Carolina and South Carolina in the late 1970s after the Vietnam War. Many Montagnards that currently reside in North and South Carolina are Christians and teach Christianity to their people in their language.
Montagnard Foundation, Inc. (MFI) is an anti-communist organization that claims to protect the rights of the Montagnard people. It is a non-profit organization, founded in 1990 and based in South Carolina in the United States, that has spoken out against Vietnam's polices that affect the Montagnard people.
The Montagnard Foundation is led by exiled leader Kok Ksor who, in the name of the TRP, presented a report accusing Vietnam of violating human rights and suppressing Montagnards and religious followers in the Central Highlands at the fifth session of the UN Human Rights Commission in Geneva on April 15th, 2002 and at a conference held by the European Parliament on September 16th, 2002. He was born in 1945 in Gia Lai province (Central Highlands of Vietnam). Ksor Kok joined the Fulro separatist group led by Kpa Koi in 1969 when it moved to Cambodia. Ksor Kok received military staff training in the US in 1974. In December 1974, general Y Bham Enuol – leader of the Fulro movement presented Ksor Kok publicly as a lieutenant general serving as his aide and representative in the US.
In 1986 several hundred Fulro soldiers and their families were relocated to the United States as refugees. In 1992, Ksor Kok together with a number of Fulro core cadres set up the Montagnard Foundation (MFI). So, the Montagnard Foundation is the latest incarnation of the Fulro Separatist Insurgency. “Fulro” first made a name for itself as a militant group in September 1964 when it organized a rebellion among 3,000 Montagnard combatants in five US special force camps in the Central Highlands of Vietnam. It has been known as a separatist group, advocating and using violent means.
By late 1999, Ksor Kok officially proclaimed the establishment of the ‘independent Dega state’ in exile in the United States. The Dega state purports to include 14 provinces of Vietnam from Quang Tri to Binh Thuan with the 4 provinces of the Central Highlands at the core. MFI and Ksor Kok also promote a new religious denomination, so called Dega Protestantism, along ethnic lines, Dega Protestantism being reserved only for Central Highlands ethnic minority followers, separate from protestant believers from the majority ethnic group in a policy which amounts to ethnic discrimination and division and exploitation of religion for political purposes. He and his organizations has incited minority peoples in the Central Highland to launch two large protests in 2001 and 2004 against the State which costed many damages to national interests.
In conclusion, the Montagnard Foundation is a political organization (not a human rights organization) with a separatist agenda and resorting to violence and abuse of religious freedom to interfere from outside with a view to destabilizing and sowing division among the ethnic communities in the Central Highlands. Ksor Kok and MFI not only lied to Central Highlanders, but also intended to dupe the whole world under the cloak of the transnational radical party.
Chia sẻ bài viết ^^
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All comments [ 11 ]

Gentle Moon 1/2/15 21:39

I don't know why so many people believe this man and commit his dirty activities like that, we should help people recognize his true face.

LawrenceSamuels 1/2/15 21:42

The State and government need to enhance lawful means to contain these men and organizations, don't let them ruin the country and hurt national interests.

yobro yobro 1/2/15 21:44

Look, so damn face he has!

John Smith 1/2/15 21:46

After the social disorder in the Central Highlands in 2001 and 2004, some western media agencies made incorrect new stories exaggerating and accusing Vietnam of violating fundamental human rights and suppressing religious freedom. So hilarious!

Red Star 1/2/15 21:48

Kok Ksor and MFI aim to use violence and abuse of religious freedom to interfere from outside with a view to destabilizing and sowing division among the ethnic communities in the Central Highlands.

For A Peace World 1/2/15 21:56

Montagnard, Khmer, H'mong... all minority peoples are Vietnamese, we should unite and stand together to build the country strong.

Me Too! 1/2/15 21:58

So sad that many people have been decieved by his allegations.

Voice of people 1/2/15 22:00

It is not surprising that some local people who had been misled by Ksor Kok to flee away to Cambodia and then to the US recently ask for permission to return home.

Socialist Society 1/2/15 22:03

They just try to lie and deceive the whole world about the true human rights situation in Vietnam for their own purposes.

Vietnam Love 1/2/15 22:04

Hope his true face and wrong allegations will be exposed soon.

Unknown 9/2/17 02:07

We can't stand together, we are not Vietnamese and we have no rights in Vietnam,Vietnamese treats us like animals, we can't do anything. So thats the problem.

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