The right to form association is respected in Vietnam


Kết quả hình ảnh cho The right to form association is respected in Vietnam

When the National Assembly of Vietnam is preparing to review the Law on Association, there are some opinions that remains "cautious" about freedom of association because the idea of ​​building law had been for a long time but so far still in the building process! Even some the ideas in the name of "democracy" proposed to have "civic space" for society and do not have to control all associations and groups in society.
Indeed, "the civil space" for society still exist. Since there was no Act of Congress, there have been many active civic groups and associations in society without control. Naturally, the activities of associations, groups must adhere to the law, for its benefit and members. Those who form associations and groups for activities contrary to national interests, or infringe upon the interests and confidentiality of individuals, organizations and others in society, countries will also be dealt with responsibility...
According to the Interior Ministry, as of December 2014, there were 52.565 associations with 483 associations operating on a national scale and 52.082 others on local scope. 8.792 ones have specific characteristics, including 28 operating on national scale and 8.764 associations operating on each local scope. Regarding classification, some associations are defined as socio-political organizations, socio-professional and 10 have the right to establish their own parties and unions to lead the organization's activities. The remains are defined as social-occupational or social -humanitarian organizations, operating under the principles of voluntariness, which cover operational expenditure. 31 groups conduct activities throughout the country.
The freedom of association is not only recognized in the 1946 Constitution and the 2013 Constitution, as some people believe. This is one of the fundamental rights of Vietnamese citizens which is recognized throughout all of the Constitution by the National Assembly of Vietnam on ever.

Thus, freedom of associations for Vietnamese citizens is always recognized in Vietnam's Constitution. Moreover, the rights considered fundamental human rights in international conventions including freedom of association is also guaranteed and protected over the periods by the State of Vietnam. Vietnam Penal Code also stipulates very clearly trespassing the rights of association, belief and religion for citizens.
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All comments [ 11 ]

erica black 19/10/15 06:01

in Vietnam, there are many civil society organisations that actively work out and join in all areas

Unknown 19/10/15 06:16

the State of Vietnam has guaranteed and protected freedom of association. That is shown through the reality, especially Vietnam is reviewing the Law on Association,

Unknown 19/10/15 06:19

of course as other organisations, civil society organisations must obey the law. If any organisation and individuals violates the law, they will be dealt

Anthony Jones 19/10/15 06:24

that's so right.. In any country over the world, all activities are been adjusted by the law that keep the society stably and peacefully

Anthony Jones 19/10/15 06:26

that's so right.. In any country over the world, all activities are been adjusted by the law that keep the society stably and peacefully

Unknown 19/10/15 06:27

that's so right.. In any country over the world, all activities are been adjusted by the law that keep the society stably and peacefully

Unknown 20/10/15 06:03

There are individuals who take advange of "civil society" against the State and Party of Vietnam

Elizabeth Green 20/10/15 06:05

Those who form associations and groups for activities contrary to national interests should be stricly punished

Unknown 20/10/15 06:11

it's important that the society is stable, equal and democracy, no need to be nessessarily "civil society".

Funny Day 20/10/15 06:26

I prefer to live in Vietnam because of political stability, not like in many countries where the wars, conflicts continuously arise, which lead to the loss of life and property

Evans David 20/10/15 06:34

reccently some individuals and organizations have incited the forming of civil society modeled after the West in Vietnam

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