Unite to end poverty and discrimination

Kết quả hình ảnh cho Unite to end poverty and discrimination
International Day for the Eradication of Poverty  this year (October 17th 2015) was celebrated on an important and meaningful occasion when the international community has officially adopted the Sustainable Development Goals. In a new development framework to replace the Millennium Development Goals, all the countries decided to terminate the poverty of all sizes and in all forms.
Building a sustainable future requires strengthening efforts to eliminate extreme poverty and discrimination, as well as to ensure that everyone can fully enjoy their fundamental rights. The full participation of the poor, especially in decisions that affect their lives and their communities. It should be the center of policies and strategies to build a sustainable future. In this way, we can ensure that our world and society can meet the needs and aspirations of all people - not just people who have a few perks – but for current and future generations.
In the given message at anniversary, UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon said: This year's International Day for the Eradication of Poverty is celebrated at the time when all the world commits to build a new way and expectations, the path of a future for the dignity of all people under the leadership of the sustainable development program for the period to 2030. The theme of this year “Building a Sustainable Future: Unite to end poverty and discrimination” is a testament to the need for more attention to the members being marginalized and vulnerable of the human.
Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon stressed: To support the objectives of the Millennium Development, the world has made tremendous progress in reducing the extremely incredible poverty. Over the past 25 years, over a billion people have overcome the poverty threshold. However, these advances do not bring benefits to everyone. More than 800 million people continue to live in extreme poverty, many others even at risk. The phenomenon of climate change, violent conflicts and natural disasters threaten to dissipate much of our progress.
Therefore, through the program to 2030, world leaders came up with a term commitment to end poverty in all its forms and everywhere in the world. We can only respond to this call if we fight against discrimination in all its forms. In order to make this not be ignored, we should terminate the discrimination and obstacles that half of humanity, women and children, are facing. This means the need to fight publicly against discrimination in ethnic minorities, migrants and others, and against the reckless, cunning aimed at those who suffer disadvantaged, especially children, as well as ensuring access to the provisions of law and protection of human rights for all.
According to Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, the program to 2030 is the culmination of a comprehensive process in the history of the UN. The member countries, millions of young people and thousands of non-governmental organizations, the business community and many others are involved in the effort. While we intend to transfer 17 sustainable development goals into a concrete action on earth, we need to maintain this spirit.

Our generation may be the first generation who know a world without extreme poverty, where all individuals, not just those who have power and those who have privilege but all can enjoy a life of peace and sustainable development without poverty and violence on the basis of equality and free from discrimination. 
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