Friendship - Nobility of human


Kết quả hình ảnh cho Friendship

International Friendship Day was published in 2011 by the General Assembly of the United Nations with the idea that the friendship between the peoples, nations, cultures and individuals can inspire peaceful efforts and create opportunities to build bridges between communities.
Resolution A / RES / 65/275 was passed by the 65th General Assembly of the UN which special emphasized on the participation of the youth as future leaders,to the general operation of the community with many different cultures and promoting understanding, respect of cultural diversity.
International Friendship Day is also intended to support the goals of the Declaration and Programme of Action on a culture of peace and the International Decade of promoting a culture of peace and non-violence for children all over the world.
International Friendship Day based on the recognition of the relevance and importance of friendship as a noble sentiment and valuable in the lives of people around the world.
To celebrate International Friendship Day, the United Nations called on governments, international organizations and civil groups to organize events, activities and initiatives that contribute to the efforts of the international community to facilitate a dialogue between civilizations, solidarity, mutual understanding and reconciliation.
UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon said the international Friendship Day was created by a simple idea, but profound that the hostile and hatred forces in the world can not be comparable to the strength of the human spirit.
"I had the opportunity a few months ago in Paraguay to praise the pioneer of Dr. Ramón Bracho and reinforce his belief that friendship is not only able to build bridges between individuals, which also are the sources of peace in the world".
According to senior leader of the United Nations, this idea makes sense when we see discrimination, malice and cruelty are leading to conflicts and crimes and millions victims are suffering. It is our responsibility to combat these destructive trends by recalling their commitment to find common humanity and the progress towards beneficial for everyone.

On International Friendship Day this year, UN Secretary-General called on all to act to strengthen relationships, unite individuals and enhance the respect, understanding in our world.
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