Enterprises urged to help protect rights of children


UNICEF will engage with businesses in Vietnam to build a culture of respect and support for children’s rights among them, an official has said.

Marianne Oehlers of UNICEF Vietnam’s chief programme partnerships office told a workshop in HCM City on May 13th that UNICEF has identified a set of key industries with a high impact on children and significant value-chain influence.
The event, held under the overall framework of the "Meet to Meet the SDG" Platform, aimed to explore how the business community can take action on children’s rights in the context of the Sustainable Development Goals.
It sought to explore, in partnership with experts and colleagues from UNICEF, what the business community can do to realise the goals with a child rights perspective.
The priority sectors include travel and tourism and footwear and apparel, Oehlers said.
A study on the impact of the apparel and footwear sectors on children’s rights in Vietnam will be done between 2016 and 2017.
A toolkit on children’s rights will also be customised for the apparel and footwear supply chains.
Preliminary findings from child rights impact assessments carried out in Vietnam’s travel and tourism sector last year will be presented.
“By focusing on children and supporting their rights, businesses can benefit from improved access to skilled labour and improved employee satisfaction, improve the communities in which you work, raise the value of your brand and thereby also your bottom line,” Jesper Moller, UNICEF’s deputy representative, said.
“Virtually all companies interact with children in some way. Businesses impact children in the workplace, in the market place and in the community as they are the children of your workers, children that consume your products, and children in the community where you operate.
“The first step in the journey for a responsible business is to make children visible, understand that they are there and that the company has various levels of impact on children’s lives.”
To help private sector partners do that, UNICEF has joined Save the Children and the UN Global Compact to develop the Children’s Rights and Business Principles (CRBP).
CRBP was developed and released in 2012 and launched in Vietnam in 2014.
It is the first comprehensive set of principles to guide companies on a full range of actions they can take in the workplace, marketplace and community to respect and support children’s rights.
Ten principles identify actions all businesses should take to respect and support children’s rights.
They are child rights integration, child labour, young workers and family-friendly workplace, protection and safety of children, products and services, responsible marketing and advertising, environment and land acquisition, security arrangements, emergencies, and support for community and government efforts for children./.

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All comments [ 10 ]

John Smith 16/5/16 20:46

Children's rights are the human rights of children with particular attention to the rights of special protection and care afforded to minors.

Gentle Moon 16/5/16 20:49

A child is any human being below the age of eighteen years, unless under the law applicable to the child, majority is attained earlier.

LawrenceSamuels 16/5/16 20:50

The period of childhood is a phase in which the human being is more vulnerable because they have not finished developing physically or mentally.

Red Star 16/5/16 20:51

All the decisions regarding children have to be taken in the exclusive interest of each child to ensure their immediate and future well being.

yobro yobro 16/5/16 20:51

The superior interest of children is subordonated to a protection of the child.

For A Peace World 16/5/16 20:52

First of all, child protection must be ensured by the parents and the community which surround them, then by the states.

Socialist Society 16/5/16 20:52

the well being of each child can not be obtained in the same way. Each child is a unique human with specific needs.

Me Too! 16/5/16 20:53

In order to ensure the child’s well being and superior interest the states must establish a protection system for the child.

Vietnam Love 16/5/16 20:54

An effective system includes laws, politics, procedures and practices intended to prevent and fight against various problems of mistreatment, violence and discrimination that can damage a child’s well being.

Voice of people 16/5/16 20:55

In order to set up an effective protection system, the States must first ratify the main principal international standards of protection of children’s rights and then implement it in their legislation.

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