Social network to control media market


Since the US elections in 2012, Facebook has doubled the number of personnel in charge of the media in the election campaign in order to increase revenue from political advertising. With the advantage of nearly 200 million users in the US market, Facebook has successfully implemented many services and advantages to serve campaign in the 2016 general election especially the features as search and access advocates and sponsors. Experts noted that, total online advertising expenditure in the 2016general elections will be about 1 billion USD. Facebook is confident that its advertising revenues will increase over the 2012 general election by significant improvements in the new service features.
“In 2016, Facebook will become a monster in the advertising sector”, cited Zac Moffatt’s speech, co-founder of Targeted Victory Technology Company which in charge of the electronics in campaign 2012 election of Republican candidate Mitt Romney. He said that Facebook will dominate market. With a large number of users and the ad features as well aspositive approach, it allows the election campaign to leverage their data to achieve maximum efficiency and reduce wasteful amounts.
For an election, electors are the most important. The largest social network gives a significant improvement is to allow the election campaign to upload directly files of his constituents. With a rich source of information and details of the voters, the campaign can access other Facebook users as friends and relatives of similar behaviors, thereby expanding the potential voters and finding suitable approach for the campaign. With this new service, the largest social network has affirmed its necessity in the 2016 US elections.
Not just Facebook, snapchat - a mobile application, which makes sharing videos and photos, is growing strongly, enabling users roadblock in the event or a specific geographic area (for example the direct debates between the candidates running for the presidency).
As for Twitter, it can directly put the information content to users using the keyword (hashtag) or through geographic area code (ZIP code). Instagram (owned by Facebook), the application allows sharing photos also can promote efficiency in the campaign with the ability to attract the tracking of voters. This is an effective way to attract the attention and participation of the voters.
However, by gathering and remembering all of the user data about everything, social network sites also increase concern about the possibility of affecting private rights of users. Marc Rotenberg, Director of the Center of Electronic Information Security said: “The majority of users are not aware that Facebook collects their personal information and how Facebook could base from what they wrote to a friend and deduce their political views”.
However, with the development of technology and algorithms, social networks provide a certain precision for users which no other media could. Social networks have the ability to convey the necessary message to the user precisely at the most appropriate time with the lowest cost. These are important factors for the social network to confirm superior capabilities in comparison with other traditional media. Besides, the convenience and the ability to spread information of social networks are also advantages over other forms of communication.

The fundraising activities and lists of voters are the most important factors in an election campaign; with the help of social networking sites, these things become easier and more effective than ever at lower cost than other types of media. This confirms the growing role and critical of social networks for the election campaigns in particular and the 2016 US   election.
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All comments [ 5 ]

Unknown 10/8/15 23:01

nowadays, in Vietnam, almost people especially the youth have their own Facebook account for contacting, doing business or shopping.

Unknown 10/8/15 23:07

social network has extreme strength that can affect the result of the general elections in countries

Elizabeth Green 10/8/15 23:16

the events occuring in the North African and Middle East countries have demonstrated it's strength.

Funny Day 10/8/15 23:23

many people take advantage of the social network for their negative purpose while it's very difficult to control it

Unknown 10/8/15 23:29

it can not be denied that social network offers users many conveniences, that's why it has more popular all over the world

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